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Tim Klever
Tim Klever
Developer advocate
American Express
Unleash the potential in your organization: Socially responsible contribution
Open source works best when its relationships are reciprocal. For companies large or small who consume open source solutions, it is extremely important to develop these relationships and give back to open source maintainers. There are a multitude of great ways to give back, all of them to be celebrated, but this session dives deep into giving back using one of the most powerful assets any company has – its technology staff. With discussion around empowering your colleagues and lessons learned building the Socially Responsible Contribution program at American Express, learn how you can create, expand, or enhance the ways your organization contributes back to open source communities by focusing and encouraging contribution by the collection of talented individuals who work with you every day.
Open source works best when its relationships are reciprocal. For companies large or small who consume open source solutions, it is extremely important to develop these relationships and give back to...