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Nancy Gariché
Nancy Gariché
Senior developer advocate
GitHub Security Lab
A maintainer-first approach to open source security
Our favorite platforms to write and share code, such as GitHub, Gitlab, or Bitbucket, empower maintainers and contributors to efficiently collaborate on open source projects.

However, these platforms don’t always feel adequate when dealing with security bugs. Correcting security flaws is a sensitive process. Creating a public issue or pull request about a vulnerability could expose users to attacks.

Furthermore, funding, missing knowledge, and misaligned incentives are common challenges that hinder collaboration between open source maintainers and security researchers.

This session will discuss the best tools and practices that can help bring two communities to communicate and collaborate better and maintain secure software.
Our favorite platforms to write and share code, such as GitHub, Gitlab, or Bitbucket, empower maintainers and contributors to efficiently collaborate on open source projects. However, these platforms...